API documentation
PDBFlex provides an application programming interface (API) integrate our data directly into development of novel bioinformatics methods. All interfaces have to be accessed through http. Results are returned as JSON strings.
Request flexibility data about one particular PDB.


  1. pdbID   of structure you are interested in
  2. chainID   of chain you are interested in


Note: you can omit the chainID and PDBFlex will return information for all chains.
RMSD profile
Request RMSD array used for local flexibility plots


  1. pdbID   PDB ID of structure you are interested in
  2. chainID   Chain ID of chain you are interested in

Sequence profile
Request RMSD array used for local flexibility plots but for any protein sequence currently not analyzed by PDBFlex


sequence.php requires to send a POST request for a sequence.
  1. sequence   The sequence you are interested in

PDB representatives
Request representatives for a PDB's own cluster. Returns a list of chains that represent the most distinct structures in the cluster.


  1. pdbID   PDB ID of structure you are interested in
  2. chainID   Chain ID of chain you are interested in
